Monday, March 2, 2009

Libraries Blackboard development space

I've just gotten a development space in Blackboard set up for the libraries. I'm (Amy) listed as the instructor, but I'm more than willing to give others designer privileges if they would like to work on creating modules, assessments, etc. which could be included in other Blackboard courses.

The space is in the Purdue non-academic campus.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Open discussion

Please bring up any other thoughts or concerns you have about system-wide information literacy at Purdue.

Review of the Purdue IL goals

Should we review our IL goals to see if they are what we want?
- should we switch to the ACRL goals?

The Purdue IL goals are articulated on the instruction form

Instruction Form - how to leverage this information

The committee feels we should use information already being gathered and leverage it for various tasks:
- checking our progress on metrics
- use to identify gaps
- report each year out of instruction database - in a public space like INSIDE
- see where you've picked up areas each year
- see where we need more focus
- how much are we addressing different info. lit goals

Talking about using this information brings up a need to discuss the form, the information being collected in the form, and best use practices. Perhaps a topic for an initial brown bag?

Community of Practice

An initial question is do we wish to foster a community of practice among those of us doing information literacy instruction?

Some initial thoughts on why we might from the committee:
- help create synergy
- coordinated discussion program - like regular brown bags
- share ideas
- help identify opportunities
- dump/share what's going on in your library
- education on what is in the instruction form and how to use it
- do we need other reporting mechanisms?

ILSC - Mission and Core Values

The Information Literacy steering committee began by crafting a mission statement and set of core values specific to IL in the Purdue Library system. They are included below.

The Purdue University Libraries information literacy program fosters academic excellence and lifelong learning by providing members of the University and the broader community with resources and opportunities to acquire skills and knowledge needed to effectively identify, find, evaluate, and ethically use information.

Core Values

  • information literacy instruction that fosters critical thinking skills
  • information literacy skills that are integrated into course experiences and aligned with coursework
  • development of information literacy skills that are coordinated and sequenced throughout a students' course of study in their major discipline
  • utilizing multiple approaches in information literacy instruction in order to address different learning styles
  • incorporation of active learning techniques in information literacy instruction
  • collaboration with teaching faculty to make information literacy relevant to each discipline, course and class session
  • commitment to continuous improvement and employ various evaluation tools to measure their progress
  • the alignment and integration of technology literacy with information literacy
  • librarians and staff who are well informed in pedagogy and instructional techniques and methodologies
  • ongoing support and commitment to professional development for information literacy instruction

Also available on the Libraries Intranet:
Must have a PUL login to access this site.


This blog has been created to have a place for the Purdue University Libraries faculty to discuss information literacy goals and needs.

The first use of this space will be to present the work of the Information Literacy Steering Committee (ILSC) thus far and solicit feedback on a number of points before additional actions are taken in the realm of Libraries wide information literacy.

The committee looks forward to your open and honest comments.